Pete Lee made his television debut on Comedy Central's Premium Blend in 2005. Since then, Pete has been voted a standout performer by the Just for Laughs Comedy Festival in Montreal and was a semi-finalist on Last Comic Standing. In 2010, Lee began producing and editing his own shows for the internet, which led him to getting his own show on called New York Minute:30. You can now find Lee on VH1's Best Week Ever.

Tracey Ashley is known for her seamless storytelling, sharp material and hilarious punchlines. She became an instant college favorite and was nominated by Campus Activities Magazine as Best Female Performer. Ashley was a semi-finalist on Last Comic Standing, was featured on OWN's HERlarious with Wanda Sykes and can be seen on NickMom Night Out

The show is rated R. Tickets are $10 for the general public and $5 for SCC students with a valid ID. Purchase tickets online at or through the SCC box office at 636-922-8050. For more information, including information about group rates, contact Mandi Smith, SCC student activities coordinator, at 636-922-8469 or

St. Charles Community College is a public, comprehensive two-year community college with associate degrees and certificate programs in the arts, business, sciences and career-technical fields. SCC provides workforce training and community-based personal and professional development as well as cultural, recreational and entertainment opportunities. For more information, visit