Article IV: Personnel
Article IV
Article IV.02 Employee Background Checks
To determine the suitability for employment or continued employment, the College has the right to conduct a job-related background check which may consist of, but not be limited to, verification of prior employment including performance history, references and other aspects of an individual’s work record, academic records, military records, conviction records, and state license records including driving records. Falsification of application materials, including failure to disclose any felony charges or convictions, is grounds for termination of employment or non-selection as an applicant for employment.
Content Owner: Human Resources
Revised: 09/2023
A relevant job-related criminal conviction is grounds for termination of employment or non-selection as an applicant for employment. Consideration will be given to the relationship between a criminal conviction and the responsibilities of the position for which an applicant might be employed or a position which is held by an employee. For positions that require the operation of a College vehicle, a conviction shall include misdemeanor traffic violations.
College employees are required to notify the Human Resources Department within five (5) days following a conviction for a felony of any type.
Content Owner: Human Resources
Article IV.03 Introductory Period
All new staff shall be subject to an Indtroductory Period of ninety (90) days, during which time their suitability for continued employment at the College will be evaluated. Completion of the introductory period should not be considered a guarantee for continued employment.
The Introductory period applies to the following:
- Staff who are newly-hired.
- Staff transferring to a different position.
- Former staff who have been rehired after a separation of more than one year.
In the event that more time is needed to determine suitability for continued employment, the Introductory Period may be extended past ninety (90) days with the approval of the division Vice President in collaboration with the Director of Human Resources.
Article IV.04 Employment-Classifications
Terms of Employment
Unless otherwise specified by the St. Charles Community College Board of Trustees,
all employees of the College are considered "at-will" employees. In such an "at-will"
employment relationship, either the employee or employer may terminate the employment
relationship at any time, with or without cause and with or without notice. No supervisor
or other representative of the College has the authority to enter into any agreement
for employment for any specified period of time, or to make any agreement contrary
to the above, except as approved by the Board of Trustees.
All employees must comply with Board Policies and Administrative Procedures.
Upon hire, employees shall be classified as follows:
1 . Full-time Faculty or Fixed-Term Faculty
- Some employment conditions related to Full-time and Fixed-Term Faculty are articulated in the Full-time Faculty MOU.
2. Part-time Faculty
- Some employment Conditions related to part-time faculty are articulated in the Part Time Faculty MOU.
3. Administrative, Professional/Technical, and Classified Staff Positions*
- Employment Conditions for Administrative, Professional/Technical, and Staff employees are defined by Board Policies and Administrative Procedures.
*May include temporary or project-based employees
Content Owner: Human Resources
Revision Dates: 02/2009, 02/2014, 07/2020, 08/2023
The College will maintain an employment and compensation evaluation system to provide a rational, consistent method for determining appropriate compensation for each job classification. Employees who are assigned, by their supervisor, temporary additional duties which fall outside of their normal responsibilities will receive a stipend. Based on the work to be performed, Human Resources, in collaboration with the supervisor, will determine a stipend of no less than 5% and no more than 7%. If temporary duties become permanent and the classification level and duties remains the same, the amount of the stipend will become part of their permanent salary.
Non-contract employees who assume permanent additional duties, and who have demonstrated excellent performance, will qualify for a promotion. Additional compensation will be 7 to 10 percent of their base salary depending on scope of responsibilities. If the individual moves into a new position, they will be placed between the minimum and 25% salary range. The College President may approve additional compensation based on the critical need for the position.
The College time reporting will comply with all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations. Employees are responsible for the reporting time honestly, completely, and within published deadlines. Supervisors are responsible for approving complete and accurate time within published deadlines.
The College requests that an employee give a minimum of two (2) weeks’ notice in the
event of resignation; management positions Level 9 and above should provide a minimum
of 30 days notice. Full time faculty and instructional staff appointments are made
on a full academic year basis unless otherwise stated in the faculty appointment notice;
full-time faculty or instructional staff who do not want to be considered for appointment
for the next academic year must notify their dean in writing by March 1. Failure to
provide proper notification will result in the employee being ineligible for rehire.
The College may consider a former employee for re-employment; such applicants are
subject to the College's usual pre-employment procedures. To be considered, an applicant
must have been in good standing at the time of previous termination of employment,
including having provided proper notice at the time of termination. (If re-employment
occurs within one year of termination, refer to Board Policy 500.1, Reinstatement
of Service Time.)
No one under the age of 18 shall be employed at the College except in the position
of Summer Camp Assistant, which allows the hiring of individuals age 16 and older.
The College will not employ anyone under the age of sixteen.
Article IV.05 Personnel Records and Administration
The function of handling personnel records and related personnel administration functions at the College has been assigned to the Human Resources Department. The college adheres to applicable laws.
Content Owner: Human Resources
Revised: 09/2023
The Human Resources department is assigned to manage personnel records and related personnel administration functions for the College. The Human Resources and Payroll departments are authorized to respond to requests for employment verification.
Personal Information Changes
Employees must notify the Human Resources department of any change in relevant personal information such as legal name, home address, emergency contact information, beneficiary change, or educational achievement.
In accordance with applicable laws and benefit enrollment requirements, employees must notify the Human Resources department within 30 days of experiencing a family status change such as marriage, divorce, birth, adoption, death of a family member, or a spouse’s job status change, in order to make any necessary benefit modifications.
Employee Access to Personnel Files
Except as indicated elsewhere in Administrative Procedures, only authorized College staff are permitted access to employee personnel files. These include Human Resources staff acting in the normal course of their duties and supervisory employees considering employees for transfer, disciplinary action, or other employment action.
Active employees are permitted to review information contained in their personnel files by scheduling an appointment with the Vice President or Associate Director of Human Resources. Employees may request copies of all documents they have signed which have been placed into their personnel files.
Outside Access to Personnel Files
In order to safeguard the privacy of employees, any requests from individuals or entities outside the College for information from employee personnel files is granted only with the written permission of the employee. Written permission of the employee is not necessary in certain situations such as review by an auditor, governmental investigator, or College attorney; or a lawfully issued subpoena or court order requiring production of such documents.
Employee Medical Records
All employee medical records are kept in confidential files separate from personnel files. Content of employee medical records is shared only with College staff or agents of the College who have a bona fide “need to know” in order to carry out job duties. Disclosure of employee medical information to individuals outside the College requires the written permission of the employee, unless such disclosure is in compliance with applicable laws or a lawfully issued court order or subpoena. All such disclosures will be in compliance with the privacy provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
Verification of Employment
The Payroll department is authorized to complete employment verification for current employees; the Human Resources department is authorized to complete employment verification for former employees.
Dates of employment and position held will be released to prospective employers. Additional employment-related information will be provided only if the employee has completed and signed a release form.
Content Owner: Human Resources
Revised: 05/2006
Article IV.06 Outside Employment
The College represents the primary work obligation of full-time employees. The assignment and scheduling of employees will be at the discretion of the administration. Full-time emploiyees may participate in outside employment only if the employment does not:
- conflict with the work schedule/duties assigned to the employee;
- constitute a conflict of interest (see Article II.03); or,
- occur during the assigned work hours of the employee.
Supervisory approval is required annually prior to an employee beginning or continuing outside employment. For employees seeking external teaching assignments, approval must be secured each year, one month prior to the start of the term.
Content Owner: Human Resources
Revised: 09/2023, 02/2025
Article IV.07 College Holidays
The following days shall be paid holidays for regular full-time administrative, professional, technical, and support employees and for part-time employees in these categories who are employed for at least twenty (20) hours per week on a regular basis. The College will be closed on these holidays. With the exception of essential security employees and, at times, certain other essential employees, employees normally will not be required to report to work. Certain externally funded employees may be required to follow alternate holiday schedules.
College Holidays
o New Year’s Day
o Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
o President’s Day
o Thursday and Friday of Academic Spring Break
o Spring Holiday (assigned to Good Friday unless otherwise assigned by College administration)
o Memorial Day
o Juneteenth
o Independence Day
o Labor Day
o Day before Thanksgiving
o Thanksgiving Day
o Day after Thanksgiving
o Christmas Eve
o Christmas Day
o Weekdays which fall between observed Christmas and New Year’s Day holidays
o One “floating holiday” each fiscal year as scheduled by College administration
Content Owner: Human Resources
Revision Dates: 02/2004, 02/2007, 07/2010, 08/2013, 05/2019, 1/2024
College Holidays
Holidays Falling on Saturday or Sunday
When a designated holiday falls on a Saturday or a Sunday, the holiday is observed
on either the preceding Friday or the following Monday as determined by the College
Work Schedules and Rates of Compensation
Full-time employees hired to work 40 hours per week are paid for eight hours at the
employee’s regular rate of compensation for a holiday. Full-time employees hired to
work fewer than 40 hours per week shall have this benefit appropriately prorated.
Adjustments in work schedules may be made for employees who are assigned alternate
work schedules.
Employees who are assigned to certain externally funded programs are provided paid holidays in accordance with guidelines applicable to such programs with appropriate application of this policy and accompanying procedures.
Holiday Pay Qualification
In order to qualify for holiday pay, eligible employees must work all scheduled work
hours on the last scheduled workday before the holiday and on the first scheduled
workday immediately following the holiday or, in lieu of working all such hours, be
approved for paid vacation, sick time, personal time, jury duty, bereavement, or military
leave. When taking paid time off in lieu of working, an employee must have accrued
time of at least 50% of scheduled work hours.
Employees who are absent on unpaid leave are not eligible for paid holidays during such leave.
Employees who are absent due to an on-the-job injury or illness receive the appropriate worker compensation payment in effect, if any, in lieu of holiday pay.
Special Circumstances for Paid Holidays
If a holiday occurs on an eligible employee’s scheduled day off, the employee is given
holiday pay in accordance with procedures for Work Schedules and Rates of Compensation
(above). In lieu of such holiday pay, an eligible employee may request and, with the
supervisor’s approval, be granted another specified work day off with pay within the
same pay period as the holiday.
A non-exempt employee who is required to work on a holiday is paid holiday pay, and the employee is paid additional compensation at the employee’s regular rate of compensation for all hours the employee actually works on the holiday.
Article IV.09 Employment of Relatives
An employee of the College must not supervise, be supervised by, coordinate the work of or have work coordinated by a relative who is also employed by the College.
Article IV.10 Group Insurance Benefits (effective July 1, 2021)
St. Charles Community College shall offer group insurance benefits to full-time employees only, except as required by law, and shall share in the cost of insurance coverage through an employer credit as approved by the Board of Trustees and administered by the Human Resources department in accordance with all applicable laws and Administrative Procedures.
Content Owner: Human Resources
Revised: 04/2010, 09/2010, 09/2004, 03/2012, 07/2020 (effective July 1, 2021)
Group Insurance Eligibility and Effective Date
All College group insurance plans are available to full-time employees on the first
day of the month following the start of employment in a full-time position. Group
medical benefits are available to parttime employees who are determined to have met
the 30 work hours per week requirements under PPACA detailed further below. College
and employee cost-sharing is approved by the Board of Trustees; information is available
on the website and on the Human Resources department portal page.
Medical Coverage for Part-Time Employees who Average 30 hours per Week: Patient Protection
and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)
In accordance with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), group medical
insurance is available to qualifying part-time employees.
Regular part-time employees are hired to work up to 29 hours per week, and while the College does not expect they will exceed 29 hours per week, their actual hours worked are tracked for purposes of PPACA. As such, part-time employees who average 30 or more hours per week during the College's standard Measurement Period, and when choosing to enroll during the College's Administrative Period, group coverage will continue through the College's Stability Period as long as College employment and any applicable employee-paid premiums are maintained. All part-time employees are considered variable part-time when applying PPACA administrative procedures. The intent of these procedures is to fully comply with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and any subsequent revisions, clarifications, or guidance issued.
Measurement Period
A Measurement Period is a period of time during which the SCC Human Resources department will "look back" to see how many hours of service per week part-time variable hour employees were credited on average. This average is used to determine the eligibility or continued eligibility for medical insurance for most employees.
Administrative Period
An Administrative Period is a period of time between the Measurement Period and the Stability period, during which the SCC Human Resources department will determine which employees are eligible for medical insurance and will notify and offer enrollment.
Stability Period
A Stability Period is the medical insurance coverage period for an eligible part-time variable-hour employee.
Measurement, Administrative, and Stability Periods
For part-time employees (referred to as variable hour employees under PPACA), the College looks back at the employee's hours worked during a standard Measurement period to determine the average weekly hours worked. In the event that the employee averages 30 or more weekly hours worked, medical coverage is offered to the employee during an Administrative Period. If the eligible employee enrolls in the medical plan, coverage continues for the entire Stability Period as long as College employment and any applicable employee-paid premiums are maintained.
Adjunct Faculty
For part-time faculty (Adjunct): A standard calculation is applied whereby every workload credit hour equals 2.58 hours worked per week. That means a 3-credit-hour course is equivalent to 7.74 hours of work per week. This calculation is based on class time, office hour, and prep time considerations.
Adjunct Faculty Exceptions
There are certain areas where the standard calculation does not accurately reflect hours worked due to unique circumstances, such as music lessons, certain labs, and some non-teaching administrative additional assignments. In these instances, hours are calculated accordingly.
Continuing Education Instructors
Hours worked by Continuing Education Instructors are calculated based on classroom time
Insurance Determination and Insurance Coverage Schedule for Qualifying Part-Time Employees
Ongoing Part-time Employees
Measurement Period (12 months) | October 15 | October 14 |
Administrative Period (2-1/2 months) | October 15 | December 31 |
Stability Period (12 months) | January 1 | December 31 |
New Part-time Employees
Partial Administrative Period | up to 13 days | (# of days in a pay period for someone who starts after the 1st day of a pay period) |
Initial Measurement Period | 11 months | Begins the 1st day of the 1st full pay period beginning on or after hire date |
Administrative Period | 45 days + up to 30 more days | 45 day administrative period, coverage will begin the 1st day of the 1st calendar month beginning on or after administrative period |
Stability Period | 12 months | Same length as stability period for ongoing employees |
Special Unpaid Leave Rule
Unpaid time off taken under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), unpaid military
leave under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA),
or unpaid time spent on jury duty is not counted against the employee in calculating
average weekly hours during the measurement period.
Employment Break Period Rule
Regulations are provided for educational institutions to exclude employment break
periods of 4 weeks to 26 weeks. For this purpose, an employment break period is a
period of at least four consecutive weeks (disregarding Special Unpaid Leave), measured
in weeks, during which an employee is not credited with hours of service. SCC will
exclude (or credit) up to 501 hours of service during employment break period in a
calendar year (no limit applies for Special Unpaid Leave). When a break in service
is between 4 weeks and 26 weeks and the break is longer than the most recent period
of employment (disregarding Special Unpaid Leave), the employee is treated as a new
hire, for purposes of this policy, upon returning to work.
Insurance Conversion Privileges (COBRA)
According to the federal Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) of
1985, in the event of termination of employment or loss of eligibility to remain covered
under group insurance programs, employees and eligible dependents may have the right
to continued coverage, at their own expense, for a limited period of time.
Medical/Dental Insurance
If enrolled in the College’s medical and/or dental insurance, each qualified recipient has the right to continue medical and/or dental coverage for up to 18 months, or in certain circumstances, up to 29 months or 36 months. The employee/eligible dependent pays the full premium and may be charged any applicable administration fee as allowed by law.
Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account
If participating in a dependent care flexible spending account, the employee may continue to request reimbursement for qualifying dependent care expenses for the remainder of the plan year to be drawn from the balance remaining in the dependent care account at the time of termination. No further contributions may be made. All claims must be submitted within 90 days of the end of the plan year.
Medical Flexible Spending Account
If participating in a medical flexible spending account at the time of termination, the employee may continue individual contributions and claims to the medical flexible spending account through COBRA provisions until the end of the plan year, if there is a positive balance in the account at the time of termination. The employee may be charged any applicable administration fee as allowed by law.
Upon termination or upon notification of a qualifying event, information regarding continuation of coverage is sent or delivered to qualified beneficiaries.
Basic Life, Voluntary Supplemental Life Insurance, and Long-Term Disability Insurance
Conversion of Basic Life, Voluntary Supplemental Life Insurance, and Long Term Disability Insurance is permissible as allowed by the provisions of each plan.
PEERS and PSRS Retirees
In accordance with Missouri statutes, the employee, if participating in the Public
Education Employees Retirement System (PEERS) or Public School Retirement System (PSRS),
may elect upon retirement continued coverage in the College’s group medical insurance
The retiree must elect coverage within one year from date last employed by the College or a Missouri school district in order to qualify for retiree insurance coverage. Retiree’s dependents may also be enrolled according to the terms of the plan pertaining to eligible dependents. The retiree pays the full amount of the premium for the retiree and any covered dependents. No administration fee is charged.
Content Owner: Human Resources
Revised: Eligibility for Insurance Benefits 07/2005, 11/2012, 02/2015, 08/2017, 11/2017, 06/202
Article IV.11 Social Media Use
St. Charles Community College uses social media channels to improve communication
with future students, current students, alumni, faculty, staff, and the community.
The term “social media” refers to Web-based and mobile technologies which enable individuals
or entities to disseminate or receive information, communicate, or otherwise interact.
All of the College’s policies that might otherwise apply to employee communications
apply equally to communications made via social media.
Representing the College
Employees whose responsibilities include representing the College on officially recognized
social media accounts must observe and follow applicable College policies, procedures,
and agreements and abide by the Terms of Use for any social media site or platform.
College logos, seals, and other marks must not be used for personal social media accounts
or accounts not officially recognized by the College without permission from the Office
of Marketing and Communications.
The College owns all social media accounts used on its behalf or otherwise for its purposes, including any and all log-in information, passwords, and content associated with each account, such as followers and contacts. Accordingly, the College has the right to remove any content for any reason, including but not limited to content that is deemed threatening, obscene, in violation of intellectual property rights or privacy laws, or otherwise injurious or illegal.
Personal Use of Social Media
The College respects employees’ right to communicate on their own or on other employees’
behalf concerning terms and conditions of employment. Nothing in this policy or accompanying
procedures is intended to interfere with the rights of employees under federal and
state laws, nor will the College construe the policy and accompanying procedures in
a way that limits such rights.
Employees are personally responsible for their social media activities, including those which are conducted using a College email address; which can be traced back to a College domain; which use the College’s information systems; or which implicitly identify the employee as member of College staff, student employee, or faculty member.
Employees may not use social media to post or display comments about coworkers, supervisors, or the College which are vulgar, obscene, threatening, intimidating, or which violate the College’s workplace policies against discrimination, harassment, or hostility on account of age, race, religion, sex, ethnicity, nationality, disability, or other protected class, status, or characteristic. Postings or displays must honor the copyright and intellectual property rights of others, including the College, and must not violate local, state, or federal laws and regulations including, but not limited to FERPA and HIPAA privacy statutes and NJCAA regulations. Employees may not use or disclose personal information about another individual or use or disclose the College’s confidential or proprietary information in any form on social media.
Employees should always make it clear that they are speaking on their own behalf when posting via a personal social media account. When expressing an opinion regarding the College’s positions or actions, employees should also make clear that the poster is an employee of the College and must specifically note that the opinion expressed is a personal opinion and does not represent the views of the College.
Content Owner: Human Resources
Issued: 01/2015
Revised: 10/2019
College administration is authorized to define the terms and circumstances under which employees, including faculty members and student employees, may use social media to represent the College, communicate College policy, represent an official College position, or use social media to the extent that such activities are covered by existing College policies and procedures, take place during work hours, or may be construed as official representations of the College.
All officially recognized College social media accounts must be approved by the Office of Marketing and Communications prior to going live, must provide administrative access to the Office of Marketing and Communications, and must abide by guidelines set by the Office of Marketing and Communications. College-sponsored social media accounts are bound by FERPA and other privacy regulations; therefore, students who are individually publicized through social media, including students identified in photo captions, must have a signed publicity release on file.
Content Owner: Human Resources
Issued: 01/2015
Revised: 10/2019
Article IV.13 Employee Leave
St. Charles Community College shall provide the following leave to eligible employees in accordance with Administrative Procedures and the Full-time Faculty MOU:
Eligible Staff:
• Vacation Leave
• Sick Leave
• Personal Leave
Eligible Faculty:
• Personal Leave
• Sick Leave
All leave must be submitted and approved by the direct supervisor.
Personal Leave of Absence
Full-time employees needing to be absent from work on an unpaid basis beyond two work
weeks must apply for a Personal Leave of Absence when leave under all other leave
policies is not applicable. Any Personal Leave of Absence is granted at the discretion
of the College. While every attempt is made to retain the employee's position, there
is no guarantee the position or an alternate position will be available when the employee
is ready to return to work.
Employees must have successfully met the Introductory Period and be full-time in order
to apply for a Personal Leave of Absence, and they must have exhausted all applicable
sick, personal, and vacation time.
Requesting Leave
The employee must submit a written request to the Human Resources Department. This
request will provide information as to the reason for and length of the leave requested.
The employee must provide verification of the need for a leave as directed by the
Human Resources Department.
Approval Process
In cooperation with the employee's supervisor, the Vice President for Human Resources
determines if a leave may be granted and for what length of time.
Pay While On Leave
The Leave is unpaid since an employee uses all applicable accrued sick, personal,
and vacation time before applying for this Leave.
Continuation of Benefits while on Personal Leave
The employee is responsible for the employee's and employer's portions of maintaining
individual and family group insurance coverage. In order for coverage to be maintained,
the employee must provide the College with the payment for insurance premiums on paydays.
Consult the Human Resources Department for premium rates.
Impact on Future Retirement Benefits
For information on potential impact of Personal Leave of Absence on retirement benefits,
the employee should refer to the PSRS-PEERS website
Returning from Leave
While every effort is made to retain the employee's position, there is no guarantee
this will be possible when an employee is in unpaid status. Near the end of the Personal
Leave of Absence, the employee must contact the Human Resources Department and communicate
a desire to return from leave. The Human Resources Department and the employee's supervisor
determine if the employee will return to work in the same position or if there is
an alternate position available. In the event that no position is available, the employee
will no longer be employed by the College and may reapply for employment at a later
date. An employee's failure to return from Leave on the designated date will be handled
in accordance with the Attendance Policy.
Fitness-for-Duty Requirements
Employees who take leave under this policy due to their own serious health condition
must provide to the Human Resources Department, in advance of returning to work, a
"return-to-work" note from their health care provider stating that they are able to
resume the essential functions of their jobs. Employees may not return to work without
the appropriate doctor's note.
Election Day Pay
The College allows all employees up to three hours to vote in a governmental election
or referendum.
Designated Periods for Voting
The College designates the following 3-hour periods for the purpose of voting:
6-9 a.m.
4-7 p.m.
The supervisor determines which 3 hour block an employee can use, depending on the employee’s schedule, to minimize the amount of time absent from work.
Requests for Time Off to Vote
Employees who request time off to vote, and make that request to their supervisor
one day prior to the election, are not docked or required to use personal time or
vacation time, providing they adhere to the designated 3-hour period.
(Example: If an employee is scheduled in at 8 a.m. and out at 4:30 p.m. the supervisor would designate the 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. block, of which ½ hour is during normal work time and would be paid.)
(Example: If an employee is scheduled in at 9 a.m. and out at 5:30 p.m. there would be no need to request time off since the supervisor would designate the 6-9 a.m. block which is outside normal work time.)
Jury Duty Pay
The College encourages all employees to fulfill their civic responsibilities by serving
jury duty when required. The College pays employees for the hours/days scheduled when
called for jury duty.
Verification of Jury Duty Summons and Service
In the event an employee is called for jury duty, the employee must, within 48 hours,
bring a copy of the summons to his or her supervisor. Upon return to work following
jury duty, the employee must provide the written notice of jury duty actually served.
Release from Jury Duty
Employees released from jury duty before the end of their scheduled work day are required
to report to work. For employees who work evenings or weekend shifts, release time
from work for jury duty will be authorized by the supervisor and the Human Resources
Compensation from Courts
Any compensation an employee receives for jury duty may be retained by the employee.
Employees are granted jury duty pay only for hours/days that they are scheduled to
Court Attendance on Behalf of the College
When an employee must attend court on behalf of the College, the time is counted as
work time and not as jury duty.
Court Proceedings Unrelated to College Business
An employee who is a plaintiff, a defendant, or a witness in a court proceeding unrelated
to College business, may request vacation or personal time off through normal departmental
Bereavement Time
The College provides bereavement time as an employment benefit to regular full-time
Qualifying Family Members
In order to make arrangements or attend the funeral of family members listed below,
full-time employees may receive up to 24 paid hours off (per occurrence) for scheduled
work days, not charged to vacation, sick, or personal time. This benefit is appropriately
prorated for full-time employees hired to work fewer than 40 hours per week. Qualifying
family members include the employee’s spouse, domestic partner, children, step-children,
parent(s), step-parent(s), grandparent(s), grandchildren, brother(s), sister(s), step-brother(s)
and step-sister(s), brother(s)/ sister(s)-in-law, son(s)-/daughter(s)-in law and any
of the above mentioned relatives of the spouse or the domestic partner. Bereavement
time may also be used for any relative or dependent living in the household of the
Full-time employees may receive up to eight paid hours off (per occurrence), not charged to vacation, sick or personal time, to attend the funeral of the employee’s or spouse’s/domestic partner’s aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, or cousin when the funeral is scheduled on the employee’s work day. This benefit is appropriately prorated for full-time employees hired to work fewer than 40 hours per week. Vacation or personal time may be taken with supervisory approval to attend funerals of other individuals who are not specifically identified within this policy. If an employee has exhausted all accrued vacation and personal time, the absence is unpaid.
If the death of a family member occurs while an employee is on scheduled personal day(s) or vacation day(s), personal and vacation time can be changed to bereavement time in accordance with the above procedures (i.e. making arrangements or attending the funeral of qualifying family members).
Domestic Partner
An unrelated and unmarried person of the same or opposite gender who shares common
living quarters with an employee and lives in a committed, intimate relationship that
is not legally defined as marriage.
Article IV.14 Military and FMLA Leave
The College provides military leave for eligible employees in accordance with the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) of 1994 and Missouri Revised Statutes. Administrative procedures adhere to state and federal statutes.
The College complies with the provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Administrative procedures adhere to FMLA requirements.
Content Owner: Human Resources
Issued: 01/2024
Military Leave
The College provides military leave for eligible employees in accordance with the
Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) of 1994 and Missouri
Revised Statutes.
The employee must provide an oral or written advance notice of military service to his/her supervisor and Human Resources.
Pay and Benefit Coverage
Employees granted military leave of absence are paid for up to 120 hours of military
duty in a federal fiscal year (October 1-September 30). There is no change in the
medical, dental, and other benefit coverage during this period.
Employees requiring more than 120 hours of military leave are granted an unpaid military leave of absence. Employees may use vacation/personal time in advance of beginning unpaid military leave. In the case of unpaid military leave of absence exceeding 30 days, the employee may continue benefit coverage by paying the full cost of coverage (both the employee and the employer premiums). If the employee chooses to suspend benefit coverage, the employee is eligible for reinstatement of benefits without any waiting period upon returning to work.
During the period of military leave with pay, the employee does not incur a loss of service and continues to accrue vacation/sick/personal time. The employee receives any salary increase for which otherwise he/she would be eligible.
Impact on Future Retirement Benefits
For information on potential impact of Military Leave on retirement benefits, the
employee should refer to the PSRS-PEERS website at
Returning from Military Service
Upon discharge from active duty, an employee granted a military leave must apply for
re-employment within the following time limits:
Military Duty
Re-application Period
< 31 days
8 hours + travel time
32-180 days
14 days + travel time
> 181 days
90 days + travel time
The above time limits for reapplication may be extended when an employee suffers service-related injuries preventing re-employment.
The returning employee will be re-employed in the job with the same seniority status, pay, and benefits that he/she would have attained if continuously working and not on a military leave. Reasonable efforts will be made to provide any necessary training to the returning employee.
To qualify to take FMLA leave under this policy, employees must meet all of the following conditions:
1. The employee must have worked for the College for at least 12 months or 52 weeks.
The 12 months or 52 weeks need not have been consecutive.
2. The employee must have worked at least 1,250 hours during the 12-month period immediately
preceding the leave.
FMLA leave for one or more of the following reasons will be granted up to a maximum
of 12 weeks in a 12 month period:
- The birth of child and to care for a newborn child within one year of birth
- The placement with the employee of a child for adoption or foster care and to care for the newly placed child within one year of placement
- A serious health condition of the employee
- A serious health condition of an employee's spouse, child, or parent
- A qualifying emergency arising out of the fact that the spouse, child, or parent of the employee is on active duty (or has been notified of an impending call or order to active duty) in the Armed Forces
FMLA leave for the following reasons will be granted up to a maximum of 26 weeks in any single 12 month period (subject to medical certification):
- To care for one's own spouse, child, parent, or next of kin who is a covered member of the Armed Forces, National Guard, or Reserves.
An employee who is taking FMLA leave must "substitute" (run concurrently) all accrued paid sick time, personal time, and vacation time prior to being eligible for unpaid leave.
The College will determine the amount of leave available under this policy for an eligible employee by using a "rolling" 12 month period.
Employees must provide to their supervisor and to Human Resources as much notice as practicable based on the circumstances requiring the leave. Employees generally must request leave 30 days in advance when the need for leave is foreseeable. The supervisor must consult Human Resources as soon as there is knowledge an employee needs to be off work in an unpaid status.
Medical certification by an applicable health care provider is required for all leaves with the exception of leave for childbirth. The Department of Labor's "Certification of Health Care Provider" form is available for review on the college Intranet and in the Human Resources Department. A copy is provided to any employee as needed.
An employee must provide certification as soon as reasonably possible and no later than 15 days after the College notifies the employee that the leave may qualify as FMLA. If an employee fails to provide such timely certification, the leave request may be denied until a reasonable period after the required certification is provided. Failure to provide a medical certification within reasonable time may result in denial of the FMLA leave.
For leave of absence due to Armed Forces active duty or call to duty, the employee must provide the available Armed Forces documentation as soon as possible.
For any employee granted Leave under this policy:
1. The college will continue to pay the Employer portion of the group health, dental, and life insurance premiums.
2. The employee must continue to pay the Employee's portion of insurance premiums.
3. For employees who contribute to a Flexible Spending Account, these deductions will be caught up when the employee returns to a paid status.
4. If the employee does not return to work when FMLA leave is exhausted, the opportunity to purchase continuing coverage under COBRA regulation will apply.
For information on potential impact of Family and Medical Leave on retirement benefits, the employee should refer to the PSRS-PEERS website at
Employees who take leave under this policy due to their own serious health condition must provide to the Human Resources Department, in advance of returning to work, a "return-to-work" slip from their health care provider stating that they are able to resume the essential functions of their jobs. Employee may not return to work without the appropriate doctor's note.
Employees are expected to return to work the first workday following the last day of the family or medical leave. In cases where the employee is able to return sooner or the employee needs an extension of leave time, employees are asked to provide 2 days notice of such whenever possible. Upon return from a family or medical leave, an employee will be restored to the same or an equivalent position. An employee's failure to return from leave on the designated date will be handled in accordance with the Attendance Policy.
Employees who do not qualify for leave under FMLA or who have exhausted family and medical leave may consult the Personal Leave policy to determine their eligibility to apply for a Personal Leave.
Article IV.15 Dress Code
Employees are expected to be suitably attired and groomed during working hours or when representing the College. Business Casual dress is the accepted standard office attire for College employees.
Content Owner: Human Resources
Revised: 02/2005
Any deviation from Business Casual attire is subject to departmental approval.
If a supervisor deems that an employee’s dress or grooming is not in compliance with this policy, the employee will be sent home on unpaid time, and will be required to return to work properly dressed and groomed. Employees who violate dress code standards are subject to disciplinary action.
Business casual is crisp, neat, and not too tight or baggy. Business Casual is classic rather than trendy. Business Casual is more formal than weekend wear. Appearance should make a positive, professional impression whether meeting with students, coworkers, the general public, management, or community leaders.
Content Owner: Human Resources
Revised: 02/2005
Article IV.16 Attendance
The College requires that employees be prompt in reporting for work and that regular attendance is maintained. Supervisory approval is required for any absences.
Employees must be present in their work area and be ready to begin work at the start of the assigned daily work hours. If the employee will be absent, the supervisor must be contacted as soon as the employee has knowledge that he or she will be missing work.
Reporting absences and tardiness to the supervisor must be done in advance of the start of the employee’s scheduled work day. In the event that the employee’s supervisor is unavailable and the employee is unable to personally speak with the supervisor, he or she must leave a voicemail for the supervisor and contact the designated alternate employee(s) as directed by the department’s procedure.
An employee must call in for himself or herself except in an extenuating circumstance making it impossible to do so. In the case of an extenuating circumstance, the employee may have someone else contact the supervisor.
If an employee is absent due to illness for three (3) or more consecutive days, or if there is a record of frequent absences, the supervisor may request that the employee submit a return to work slip from the doctor before returning to work.
Absence from work for three (3) consecutive days without proper notification to the employee’s supervisor will be considered a voluntary resignation.
Patterns of absences, failure to complete scheduled work days, and/or tardiness may be addressed by the supervisor utilizing the College’s Discipline policy.
Content Owner: Human Resources
Revised: 10/2004
Article IV.17 Staff Schedule and Reporting
The Board authorizes the College to establish administrative procedures related to staff work schedules, compensation and reporting requirements for non-exempt employees.
Time Sheets
All non-exempt employees must complete a time sheet for each pay period.
On a daily basis, non-exempt employees must accurately key their in time, out time, unpaid lunch break, and paid break(s) on the time sheet. When a non-exempt employee is required to travel on College business, the supervisor must consult a staff member in the Payroll Department regarding time sheet completion.
If an employee discovers a time sheet error after it has been submitted, the supervisor and the Payroll Department must be notified immediately in order to correct the error.
Employees must not complete any portion of a co-worker's time sheet.
Tampering with or falsification of time sheets in any form is forbidden.
Shift Differential
Employees must be approved to work the scheduled hours to which this differential will apply and the total hours subject to a shift differential will be noted on the time sheet by the supervisor.
Employees who are not regularly scheduled to work hours that fall into this category will receive the shift differential if requested to work a shift that qualifies under the policy guidelines and are approved to work this shift by the supervisor.
Shift differentials will not apply to hours paid (but not actually worked) for time such as emergency closing of the College campus, vacation, personal days, holidays, sick days or similar non-working hours.
Compensatory Time
The College does not have a Compensatory Time Off program. Employees may, with prior supervisor approval, work an adjusted schedule within the same work week. For example, a non-exempt employee who normally works five 8 hour days (40 hours) may work three 8 hour days (24 hours), one 9 hour day (9 hours), and one 7 hour day (7 hours) within the same work week and not incur overtime because hours worked do not exceed 40 hours for the week.
Overtime Pay
Overtime is paid at a rate of one and one-half (1½) times an employee’s regular rate or in special circumstances, overtime is paid at a rate of one and one-half (1½) times an employee’s blended rate.
Blended rates are determined by multiplying the employee’s regular rate by the hours worked and multiplying the employee’s additional rate by the hours worked at that rate, adding the dollars together and dividing by the total number of hours worked.
Overtime is paid on hours worked over 40 in a week that covers Sunday through Saturday. Hours worked do not include hours away from work due to job-related injury, vacation time, sick time, personal time, bereavement time, jury duty, holiday or any other paid time away from work or any unpaid time.
Supervisors must approve overtime in advance.
Meals and Breaks
Employees may take one (1) fifteen minute paid break for each four (4) hours worked, as approved and scheduled by the supervisor. Employees working more than 6 hours will be given an unpaid meal period.
The time of meal periods scheduled varies among departments, depending on the needs of each department. Employees who are scheduled to work eight (8) hours and who take two breaks will schedule one-half (.50) hour unpaid lunch. For the employee who is scheduled to work eight (8) hours, an allowable alternative schedule is to combine the paid break(s) with the unpaid lunch. Non-exempt employees must not perform any work during their unpaid meal period.
Meals and breaks may not be taken at the beginning of or at the end of the workday except for special circumstances with supervisory approval.
Non-exempt employees normally scheduled to work less than ten (10) hours per shift, will receive a meal allowance of eight (8) dollars when working in excess of ten (10) hours in one day at the request of the College. This provision does not apply when the College furnishes meals. Meal allowance forms are available in the Cashier’s Office.
Article IV.18 Unemployment Compensation
In compliance with Missouri state law, employees of the College are covered by unemployment insurance. The Missouri Employment Security Law provides unemployment insurance benefits for workers who become totally or partially unemployed if they meet the eligibility requirements of the law.
Content Owner: Human Resources
Revised: 03/2006
No deductions are made from employees’ pay checks for this insurance. The College pays the unemployment tax.
For additional information concerning unemployment insurance, or to file an initial, renewed, or weekly claim, employees may contact the Missouri Division of Employment Security through the following means:
St. Louis Regional Claims Center
Article IV.19 Wage Garnishments
The College will, as required by law, honor court-ordered garnishments which include but are not limited to child support, wage assignments, federal and state tax liens.
Content Owner: Human Resources
Revised: 02/2007
The Payroll Department will make the necessary deduction, required by the court-ordered garnishment, from each payroll check until the garnishment is satisfied or until the Payroll Department receives a release from the court that issued the garnishment.
The Payroll Department will make an effort to notify the employee in the event a garnishment is served; however, failure to notify the employee will not delay or stop the garnishment amount from being deducted.
The College acts in accordance with the federal statute regarding Consumer Credit Protection Act which places restrictions on the total amount that may be garnished from an employee’s paycheck.
The Payroll Department will deduct, from the first two (2) paychecks of each month, an administrative fee of $3.00 to help defray the costs to the College for processing the wage garnishment. These fees will only be taken when garnishments are active. On the two (2) months each year when employees receive three (3) paychecks, the fee will not be taken from that third (3rd) paycheck, although the garnishment will still be deducted. These fees are allowed under Rule 90.12(a) of the Missouri Supreme Court Rules/RSMo 525.230.
Content Owner: Human Resources
Revised: 02/2007
Article IV.20 Direct Deposit
The College requires, as a condition of employment, that all employees have their payroll check direct deposited into a checking, savings, money market, credit union or DirectCheck account.
The College reserves the right to credit, and if necessary, debit an employees account. The Payroll Department will attempt to notify the employee in the event of a debit transaction.
Payroll checks are direct deposited every other Friday (see payroll schedule), usually by 9 a.m.
Employees are allowed direct deposit into one account. Changes to the account where the payroll check is deposited may be made at anytime through the Payroll Department.
Payroll stubs are posted on the employee self-serve portion of the intranet every other Friday (see payroll schedule).
Direct deposit forms are available on the intranet, in the Human Resources Department or in the Payroll Department.
- Employees who are depositing into a checking, credit union, or money market account should fill out the form, attach a blank, voided check (not a deposit slip), and return both to the Payroll Department.
- Employees depositing into a savings account should fill out the form, attach a blank savings deposit slip, and call their bank to obtain the correct routing number since the routing number on the savings deposit slip is not always accurate. Both forms should then be returned to the Payroll Department.
- Employees depositing into a DirectCheck card account must set up the account in the Human Resources Department and the Bank will provide the routing number and account number to the Payroll Department.
- Employees using DirectCheck will be responsible for any applicable fees.
Generally the first paycheck, and any manual correction checks, will not be direct deposited, but will be an actual check. If an employee changes where his or her direct deposit is being sent, the first check after that change is made will result in an actual check being issued. All actual checks will be available at the payroll office for pick up. A photo ID is required when picking up a check in the payroll office.
Content Owner: Human Resources
Revised: 08/2004, 02/2024
Article IV.21 Mandatory Deductions
The College is required by law to take certain deductions from paychecks.
Content Owner: Human Resources
Revised: 08/2004
Mandatory deductions from paychecks include federal/state taxes, St. Louis City tax, if applicable, social security, if applicable, Medicare (up to the federal limit), public school retirement, non-teacher retirement, child support, federal/state liens and garnishments. These deductions are itemized on the check stub.
Content Owner: Human Resources
Revised: 08/2004
Article IV.22 Worker’s Compensation
In compliance with Missouri law, the College maintains Workers' Compensation coverage on all employees. This coverage is intended to provide medical treatment for a work-related injury or illness, as well as payment for time missed because of a work-related injury or illness.
In the case of a medical emergency, dial 911. All injuries or illnesses arising from employment must be reported to the supervisor and the Department of Public Safety immediately. The College’s Department of Public Safety will complete a report and provide the employee with a Workers’ Compensation Treatment Authorization form that the employee will present to the health care provider in order to receive treatment. Employees seeking treatment must go to:
St. Luke’s Urgent Care, located at 1051 Wolfrum Rd., St. Charles, MO 63304, between 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
After 8:00 pm employees must obtain treatment at the Emergency Room at Barnes-Jewish St. Peters Hospital, located at 10 Hospital Drive, St. Peters, MO 63376.
If a prescription is needed as part of the treatment, the employee will receive a form listing all participating pharmacies.
The College will pay for time lost because of a work-related injury or illness during the remainder of the normal workday in which the incident occurs. Workers' Compensation payments for lost wages are not made for the first three (3) full days of lost wages, per state law. Employees may request use of accrued vacation, sick, or personal time for the first three (3) days absence from work. If the employee is off work more than 14 calendar days, payments will be made from the first day of lost time.
Workers’ Compensation payments are two-thirds (2/3) of the employee’s average gross weekly wages and are not subject to state or federal income tax or FICA.
For information on potential impact of worker’s compensation leave on retirement benefits, the employee should refer to the PSRS-PEERS website at
Employees returning to work after being absent due to a work-related injury or illness must report to the supervisor prior to beginning work, and must provide a doctor's release to return to work. All doctor’s releases must be forwarded to the Human Resources department.
Under RSMo. 287.020, Missouri law guarantees certain benefits to employees who are injured or become ill because of their jobs. According to Missouri law, a work-related injury is one that occurs in the course of employment and an injury by accident is compensable only if the accident is the prevailing factor in causing both the resulting medical condition and disability. Similarly, an injury by occupational disease is compensable only if the occupational exposure was the prevailing factor in causing both the resulting medical condition and disability.
Content Owner: Human Resources
Revised: 03/2009
Article IV.23 Performance Evaluations
Annual Performance Evaluations are required for all full-time employees. The college will adhere to administrative procedures for staff and the Memorandum of Understanding for faculty for evaluation processes.
During a formal performance evaluation the supervisor may cover the following areas:
- The quality and quantity of work
- Strengths and areas for improvement
- Attitude and willingness to work
- Commitment to excellence
- Teamwork
- Continuous learning and improvement
- Cooperation and customer service
- Ongoing professional growth and development
Developmental opportunities are generally established during the performance evaluation process. This is intended to be a collaborative discussion between the employee and the supervisor, as a way to discuss interests and future goals, and a method to identify training opportunities that will benefit the employee and the College.
An employee may have a copy of the completed performance evaluation. All original, completed performance evaluations are forwarded to and maintained by the Human Resources department.
Article IV.24 Performance Deficiencies
To ensure the College's business is conducted properly and efficiently, all employees must conform to certain standards of attendance, conduct, civility and work performance as defined by Board policy and procedures and Full-time and Part-time faculty MOUs. Every employee is expected to participate and cooperate fully and truthfully in any college-led inquiry, investigation, or disciplinary procedure. Failure to cooperate may result in disciplinary action up to termination of employment. Procedures associated with performance deficiencies are outlined in Board administrative procedures and MOUs.
Inquiry, Investigation/Discipline Procedure
Every employee is expected to participate fully in any college-led inquiry, investigation, or disciplinary procedure. Failure to cooperate may result in disciplinary action up to termination of employment.
Concerns are investigated in a thorough, reliable, and impartial manner prior to disciplinary action being taken.
Violation of the College’s performance standards, policies, procedures, and practices or standards of conduct generally, but not always, may be handled in the following progressive manner:
Step One: Verbal Warning
Step Two: Written Warning
Step Three: Final Written Warning (a Disciplinary Suspension may occur concurrently)
Step Four: Dismissal
For concerns of discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, and sexual violence, investigation procedures are located in P-534 Prohibition of Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Violence.
Administrative Leave
An employee may be placed on Administrative Leave while the College completes an investigation of an alleged policy violation. This is an interim measure which may be imposed temporarily by joint decision between Human Resources management and the division Vice President or by the Title IX Coordinator in Title IX matters. In the event of an Administrative Leave, the employee will be notified whether the time away from work will be with or without pay. Violation of Administrative Leave may lead to disciplinary action(s).
Step One: Verbal Warning
The supervisor will meet with the employee to communicate the concern and the expected remedy. The purpose of this conversation is to serve as a reminder of a rule or a performance expectation, and to clarify the employee’s responsibility to meet expectations.
Step Two: Written Warning
If performance does not improve, or if there is continued or additional violation of the College’s performance standards, policies, procedures, and practices or standards of conduct, the supervisor and/or Human Resources management will meet with the employee to discuss the concern. The employee will receive written notification of the concern and the expectations that must be satisfactorily met. A copy of the written notification will be placed in the employee’s personnel file.
Step Three: Final Written Warning/Disciplinary Suspension
If performance does not improve, or if there is continued or additional violation of the College’s performance standards, policies, procedures, and practices or standards of conduct following the Written Warning, the supervisor and/or Human Resources management will meet with the employee to discuss the concern. The employee will receive final written notification of the concern and the expectations that must be satisfactorily met. A Final Written Warning may also be accompanied by a Disciplinary Suspension. In this situation, the employee will spend a determined number of unpaid day(s) away from work. During this time away from work, the employee will decide whether to return to work and adhere to all requirements, or whether to terminate employment with the College. A copy of the final written notification will be placed in the employee’s personnel file.
As deemed necessary by the Administration of the College, an employee may be placed on Suspension while the College completes an investigation of an alleged policy violation. In this situation, the employee will be notified whether the time away from work will be with or without pay.
Step Four: Dismissal
Dismissal is defined as the ending of the employment relationship by the College, and this typically results after progressive disciplinary steps have failed to correct the concern. However, in certain situations immediate dismissal may occur.
The actions listed below are a representative sample of occurrences which may lead to immediate dismissal. Other actions not specified below, but of a similarly serious nature, may also result in immediate termination of employment.
- Failure to follow safety practices
- Falsification of the College's records
- Insubordination
- Knowingly making false or misleading statements during investigation/disciplinary procedures
- Theft
- Threat of, or the act of, doing bodily harm
- Violation of Drug-Free Workplace Policy
- Violation of policies regarding discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, or sexual violence
- Willful or negligent destruction of property
Problem Solving and Appeals
A staff member may use the problem solving procedures when they believe there has been a violation, misinterpretation, misapplication, or unreasonable application of a College policy, procedure, rule, or regulation regarding that individual’s employment conditions.
Staff members are encouraged to discuss the concern with their supervisor. If the concern is not resolved, the staff member may choose to follow the following problem-solving steps:
STEP 1: Within fifteen [15] days after the occurrence of the concern or problem, the staff member will present the problem in writing to the department supervisor or manager.
Within five [5] days after receipt of the written notice, the supervisor or manager will hold a conference with the staff member.
Within five [5] days following the conference, the supervisor or manager will conduct any investigation that may be necessary and provide a written response to the staff member.
STEP 2: In the event the staff member is not satisfied with the response, he or she may appeal the response in writing to the division Vice President and Vice President for Human Resources within five [5] days following receipt of the supervisor’s or manager’s response. With this appeal the staff member will include a copy of the original notice of concern as well as any replies received.
Within five [5] days after receipt of the appeal, the Vice President for Human Resources will hold a conference with the staff member.
Within five [5] days following the conference, the Vice President for Human Resources will conduct any further investigation that may be necessary and provide a written response to the staff member.
STEP 3: In the event the staff member is not satisfied with the response, the staff member may appeal the response in writing to the College President within five [5] days following receipt of the Vice Presidents' response. With this appeal the staff member will include a copy of the original notice of the concern and all replies.
Within five [5] days after receipt of the notice of the problem, the President will examine the record of the concern, conduct any investigation necessary, and either hold a conference with the staff member or issue a decision after reviewing the information provided. The President’s decision will be final.
If the investigation/disciplinary procedures and the appeal result from a report of discrimination, harassment, or sexual harassment, The appeal will begin at STEP 2. The reporting party will also be notified in writing of the result of the appeal and any changes in the disciplinary action imposed if the disciplinary action directly relates to the reporting party (e.g., an order that the employee stay away from the reporting party).
If the investigation/disciplinary procedures and appeal result from a report of a crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense (as defined in 34 C.F.R. §99.39), the appeal will begin at STEP 2. The reporting party and the responding party will be notified of the result of the appeal and any changes in the disciplinary action imposed. If the alleged victim is deceased as a result of the crime or offense, the disclosure may be requested by the next of kin of the alleged victim.
If the staff member does not appeal a decision at any step within the specified time frame, the problem solving process will be considered terminated by consent of the staff member.
No adverse action will be taken by the College toward a staff member for use of the problem solving process. However, disciplinary action may be taken by the College toward the staff member for knowingly making untrue or misleading statements in connection with the problem solving process, or for knowingly making an untrue or unfounded claim.
A request for use of the problem solving process may be withdrawn in writing at any time.
Consideration will be given to the staff member’s work schedule when scheduling problem solving conferences.
A copy of the problem solving request, written responses, and appeals at each step will be forwarded to the Vice President for Human Resources who will maintain all problem solving records.
All documents, communications, and records pertaining to a problem solving process will be maintained in a file separate from the staff member’s personnel file.
Day: A “day” means a calendar day except a Saturday, Sunday, and approved holidays or paid time off.
Content Owner: Human Resources
Revised: 07/2015
Article IV.25 Employee Retirement System
St. Charles Community College shall participate in the Public School Retirement System of Missouri (PSRS) and the Public Education Employees Retirement System of Missouri (PEERS) as required by Missouri State Law.
Required Participation and Placement
Eligible employees are required, at hire or when hours hired to work reach eligibility
levels, to participate in either the Public School Retirement System (PSRS) or the
Public Education Employee Retirement System (PEERS).
The College determines into which system employees are placed by following eligibility rules set forth by the PSRS/PEERS and Missouri Revised Statutes.
When a new position is created, the Vice President for Human Resources analyzes the position for retirement plan assignment. PEERS eligibility is assigned by the Vice President for Human Resources.
Positions meeting one or more of the following criteria are forwarded to the College President for consideration as PSRS eligible:
· Engaged in full-time teaching duties
· Employed in a full-time supervisory capacity
· Employed in a full-time educational administrative position
In accordance with RSMo 169.140, the College President shall deem a position certified (certificated) and thereby assigned to the PSRS retirement system.
Note: Employees who possess a Missouri teacher's certificate are PSRS eligible regardless of the position held; they must work the minimum number of hours for membership.
Contribution Amounts
PSRS contribution amount, effective July 2011 is 14.5% plus a College match of 14.5%.
PEERS contribution amount, effective July 2011 is 6.86% plus a College match of 6.86%.
In accordance with federal and state legislation and eligibility rules for the Missouri Retirement Systems, assignment into Social Security, PSRS, and PEERS retirement systems is based on the following criteria:
Social Security (SS)/Retirement
Plan Participation
FT employee with DESE license to teach OR certified by SCC President
100% PSRS and no SS if not currently enrolled in PEERS
OR In accordance with 1977 option:
If currently enrolled in PEERS, then employee may choose:
SS and 2/3 PSRS
FT employee without DESE license to teach and without certification by SCC President
PT employee without DESE license working 20 hours or more per week but less than FT
PT employee with DESE license working 20 or more hours but less than FT
SS and 2/3 PSRS OR Employee may elect, within 90 days of their initial part-time employment,
PT employee without DESE license working less than 20 hours per week
(unless exempted by Payroll Department due to student employment)
PT employee with DESE license working 17, 18, or 19 hours per week but less than FT
in a position that requires staff to work 600 or more hours per fiscal year or adjuncts
to work more than 18 credit hours per semester.
If PSRS member before 7/1/10, then 100% PSRS and no SS; If not PSRS member before
7/1/10, then SS and 2/3 PSRS
OR Employee may elect, within 90 days of their initial part-time employment, SS and
PT employee working less than 17 hours & PSRS member working at another PSRS-covered
SS and 2/3 PSRS
PT employee working less than 17 hours per week with a DESE license & not working
at another PSRS-covered employer
Rehired Annuitant
(Any current employee or future hires who are PSRS or PEERS retirees must pay SS and
no PSRS or PEERS deductions.)
Additional Information
The Payroll department is available to answer questions; however, employees are encouraged
to call PSRS/PEERS member services at 1-800-392-6848.
Membership information will be issued to eligible employees by the Human Resources department. Employees may also call PSRS/PEERS member services at the number listed above or access information online at
Content Owner: Human Resources
Revised: 04/21/2010, 09/09/2010, 03/2012
Article IV.26 Error in Pay
The College makes every effort to ensure paychecks are accurate.
Employees are encouraged to review their pay stubs each pay period for accuracy in deductions, hours, vacation time, sick time and personal time. If the employee suspects an error, the employee should contact the Payroll Department immediately.
If the Payroll Department determines that an underpayment was made by the College, a correction will be made no later than the next pay date. The College may make an exception if the underpayment results in a hardship for the employee. In such cases, the underpayment will be corrected immediately.
In the case where an error by the College results in the employee owing the College money, the employee will be responsible for repayment of up to $400. If the amount owed by the employee to the College is greater than $400, the employee will not be required to repay the College for the amount that exceeds $400.
Article IV.31 Staff Specific Conduct
All employees of St. Charles Community College are expected to conduct themselves in a manner which reflects the Values of the College. Performance, work habits, conduct, or demeanor that fails to maintain standards applicable to an employee of the College shall subject the employee to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal, as determined appropriate by College administration.
Article IV.32 Civility Conduct
All employees are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and ethical environment, both on and off campus, and maintain the highest level of integrity and honesty in their work, including treating each other with respect and dignity. Accordingly, employees should refrain from engaging in behavior (written, verbal or non-verbal) that a reasonable person would find threatening, intimidating or harassing. This includes oral, written, visual or physical conduct by an employee that: (a) has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s employment or educational performance; or (b) has the purpose or effect of creating an unreasonable or unlawful intimidating, hostile, offensive, or abusive environment for an individual’s employment, academic pursuits, living environment, or participation in a college activity.
For full-time faculty found to be in violation of this policy, sanctions and appeals are governed by the Memorandum of Understanding for full-time faculty.
For all other employees, sanctions and appeals are governed by Article IV.24 Performance Deficiencies.
Employees are required to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, polices, procedures, and established guidelines of the college. Employees must avoid any situation that might create a conflict of interest or appearance of a conflict of interest. Harassment or discrimination of any kind, including sexual harassment, racial harassment, and other forms of unlawful harassment or discrimination, will not be tolerated.
Article IV.34 Health Examinations
Under certain circumstances, the College may require that an employee submit to a
health examination to determine the employee’s ability to perform essential job functions.
Such requirement will be in compliance with all applicable laws, including the Americans
with Disabilities Act of 1991 and the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993.
The Human Resources Department will determine the necessity of all health examinations
and will make all arrangements.
Article IV.37 Reporting Child Neglect
College instructors, administrators, staff, and other employees with responsibility for direct interaction with a child, are considered to be mandatory reporters of suspected child abuse/neglect. This means that they have a legal and ethical duty to report child abuse/neglect to state authorities. (A child is defined as any person under 18 years of age.)
If an instructor, administrator, or other employee who is a mandatory reporter has reasonable cause to suspect that a child has been or may be subjected to abuse or neglect or observes a child being subjected to conditions or circumstances which would reasonably result in abuse or neglect, that person must immediately notify the Child Abuse & Neglect Hotline at 1-800-392-3738. No internal investigation shall be initiated until such a report has been made.
Following a report of abuse, employees have a duty to cooperate with investigators from the Division of Family Services and law enforcement authorities.
Abuse is defined as "...Any physical injury, sexual abuse, or emotional abuse inflicted
on a child other than by accidental means by those responsible for the child’s care,
custody, or control, except that discipline including spanking, administered in a
reasonable manner, shall not be construed to be abuse."
Neglect is defined as,"...Failure to provide by those responsible for the care, custody, and control of the child's care, custody, and control of the child, the proper or necessary support, education as required by law, nutrition or medical, surgical, or any other care necessary for the child's well-being."
Those responsible for the care, custody, and control of the child are defined as: "...Those included but not limited to the parents or guardian of a child, other members of the child's household, or those exercising supervision over a child for any part of a 24 hour day. It shall also include any adult, who, based on the relationship to the parents of the child, members of the child's household or the family, has access to the child."
(Section 210.110 RSMo)
S. 540.9.1 State Statutes:
Content Owner: Human Resources
Issued: 10/2005
Revised: 02/2015
Article IV.40 Collective Bargaining
Collective Bargaining
The Board of Trustees recognizes that certain College employees have the right to
organize and to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing,
subject to Missouri law.
Choosing a Representative for Collective Bargaining
In addition to employee groups that are already within recognized College bargaining
units, the Board adopts this Policy to establish comparable election procedures for
all employees of the College, to organize and bargain collectively through representatives
of their own choosing.
Establishment of Additional Procedures
College employees shall use the process established in this Policy and its related
procedures to select a labor union or other organization of their choice as their
representative for purposes of collective bargaining. The Vice President for Human
Resources in consultation with the President is authorized to make additional rules
and procedures to govern the election process as may be necessary to effect this Policy.
Authorized Bargaining Units
The same labor organization shall not represent both non-supervisory and supervisory
public employees. For the purposes of this section, the term "supervisory public employee"
means anyone with supervisory status, managerial status, confidential status, administrative
status, security status (guards or any individual employed to enforce against employees
and other persons rules to protect property of the College or to protect the safety
of persons on the College’s premises) or any other status that would cause a conflict
of interest.
Content Owner: Human Resources
Issued: 10/2015
Revised: 06/2024
Article IV.41 Adjunct Faculty Employment
St. Charles Community College shall provide administrative procedures for hiring and classroom attendance of adjunct faculty members.
Article IV.42 Emeritus Faculty
The St. Charles Community College Board of Trustees has established the honorary title of Emeritus to faculty members who have been approved by College Administration. This status shall carry privileges as specified in Administrative Procedures.
Content Owner: Human Resources
Issued: 02/2021
Emeritus Faculty is an honorary status granted by the College President. Although the status does not create an employment guarantee, St. Charles Community College recognizes and values the contributions of Emeritus Faculty.
Faculty who are retiring and want to be considered for Emeritus status must submit a request to the President's Office at least one month prior to their official last day as a full-time employee or by the last day of the semester in which they worked, whichever comes first.
Content Owner: Human Resources
Issued: 03/25