Each year, St. Charles Community College celebrates student achievement at the annual Student Awards Banquet. Due to safety precautions related to the coronavirus, SCC moved the celebration to the virtual space.

The event honors outstanding students in the classroom and in leadership roles on campus. Faculty and staff are encouraged to nominate individuals they have witnessed accomplishing extraordinary things around campus.

On May 6, more than 50 students were honored at the virtual event - including Abigail James. She received the President's Rising Star Award and Scholarship, one of the highest honors a student can receive at SCC.

“I feel so honored by this recognition,” said James. “I was so excited when I found out.”

James came to SCC because it was an affordable, local option.

“I received my high school equivalency at 17,” she said, “and I knew I needed to go to college somewhere close to home. I had heard such great things about SCC. The campus seemed so welcoming, and it felt like a natural place to start my college career.”

James will graduate with AAS and AFA degrees this semester. She plans to transfer to Webster University and pursue a bachelor's degree in psychological sciences.

“I have so many amazing memories at SCC,” she said. “I loved all the Phi Theta Kappa and Student Government events, like the summer move nights and the Halloween events. I'm going to miss it!”

James also received the Phi Theta Kappa 5-Star Membership Award at the Student Awards Ceremony.