“Dirty Rotten Scoundrels,” written by David Yazbek, centers on two competing con men living on the French Riviera. At first, the suave and experienced Lawrence Jameson takes the less sophisticated rookie, Freddy, under his wing. Freddy tries to compete directly with Lawrence. The competition comes to a peak when they agree that the first man to extract $50,000 from the female heiress, Christine Colgate, wins and the other must leave town. A hilarious battle of cons ensues that will keep audiences laughing, humming and guessing until the end.
Directed by Lynne Snyder, the musical will be performed at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday, July 22-24; 8 p.m. Friday-Saturday, July 25-26; and 2 p.m. Sunday, July 27.
Cast members include: Justin Spurgeon as Lawrence Jameson, Peter Colombatto as Freddy Benson, Nicole Cuneo as Christine Colgate, John Lemon as Andre Thibault, Becky Loughridge as Muriel Eubanks and Cori Stallard as Jolene Oakes.
The female ensemble consists of Allie Call, Stephanie Dickinson, Elizabeth Kelley, Stefanie Kluba, Mary McEntee, Mikayla Sherfy, Esther Smith, Donna Thompson and Tricia Wallace. The male ensemble consists of Dylan Carl, Jake Groeblinghoff, Joe Groeblinghoff, Zach Groeblinghoff, Christian Lewis, Anthony Mintert, Chris Perkins, Sean Seifert and Gage Whitehurst.
Tickets are $8 for adults, $6 for seniors and non-SCC students and free for SCC students with ID. Tickets will be offered at a special reduced price of $5 for everyone on Budget Wednesdays. To purchase tickets, visit www.stchastickets.com or call the SCC Box Office at 636-922-8050. For additional information, visit www.stchas.edu/centerstage. St. Charles Community College is located at 4601 Mid Rivers Mall Drive in Cottleville.
For accommodations information, email accessibilityservice@stchas.edu.
St. Charles Community College is a public, comprehensive two-year community college with associate degrees and certificate programs in the arts, business, sciences and career-technical fields. SCC provides workforce training and community-based personal and professional development as well as cultural, recreational and entertainment opportunities. For more information, visit www.stchas.edu.