This unique craft show features a collaboration of local artists and their crafts found on Etsy, an e-commerce site where people can buy or sell items ranging from art, photography, jewelry, quilts, crafts, toys or anything in between.
Attendees will discover fine handmade items, watch demonstrations and knock out some holiday shopping - all at the same time. Some local food trucks will be on campus selling lunch and refreshments.
“Last year's show was a big success,” said Lynn Watkins, project support specialist at SCC. “More than 80 vendors filled the college gym, selling a wide variety of hand-made items. We expect this year's show to be even better.”
For more information about The Handmade Marketplace Craft Show: A Collaboration of Local Artists on Etsy, contact Tina Sieker at 636-922-8314 or
St. Charles Community College is a public, comprehensive two-year community college with associate degrees and certificate programs in the arts, business, sciences and career-technical fields. SCC provides workforce training and community-based personal and professional development as well as cultural, recreational and entertainment opportunities. For more information, visit