“At this time, the Board believes it is in the best interest of the college to begin the search anew,” said William R. Pundmann, chair of the Presidential Search Committee and president of the SCC Board of Trustees.  “The current candidates have been withdrawn from consideration, either by their choice or at the decision of the Board.”

Those candidates included: Michael Banks, Ph.D., vice president for academic and student affairs at St. Charles (Mo.) Community College; Cliff Davis, M.A., vice president for institutional advancement and executive director of the OTC Foundation for Ozarks (Mo.) Technical Community College; and a third candidate who chose not to release his/her name to the public. 

The college began a presidential search when current president, John M. McGuire, Ph.D., announced in fall 2010 his intentions to retire in September 2011. In March, the Presidential Search Committee reviewed applications and made recommendations to the Board of Trustees. Following two rounds of interviews in May and June, the Board chose to restart the search, Pundmann said.

At the recent special Closed Session meeting, the Board modified the minimum qualifications to reflect a preference, and not a requirement, in the college-level teaching experience.  The Board also received a commitment from McGuire to postpone his retirement, if needed, into late fall to allow for a smooth transition.

“I'm committed to assisting the Board as they continue the very important process of selecting the college's next president,” McGuire said.  “It is the single most important decision they can make and, frankly, it is not uncommon for a board to restart a search.”

McGuire and Pundmann agreed that the SCC presidency is an “appealing position” and that they expect to attract outstanding candidates. Applications will be reviewed beginning Aug. 1.

“The Board of Trustees is seeking to hire a candidate who can best lead SCC in the continued achievement of its mission and will be selected on his or her ability to address the challenges and opportunities, characteristics, and qualifications identified in the Presidential Profile,” Pundmann said.

The profile is available for review on a Web page dedicated to the presidential search on the SCC website, www.stchas.edu/presidentialsearch.  “I look forward to a successful conclusion to the search and to naming the next SCC president,” Pundmann said.

Established in 1986, St. Charles Community College is celebrating 25 years as a public, comprehensive two-year community college with associate degrees and certificate programs in the arts, business, sciences and career-technical fields. SCC provides workforce training and community-based personal and professional development as well as cultural, recreational and entertainment opportunities. For more information, visit www.stchas.edu.